Access To The Property -, Orange County Multifamily Broker, Apartments, 1031 Exchanges

Access To The Property

Here's a common scenario: The Landlord has to schedule repairs to be done on his rental property. The residents say they do NOT want anyone at the house unless they are home. So the landlord wants to know how to proceed.

Here's one of the possible solutions for this scenario:

1) Give them a written notice that you will be entering the rental home on a specific date at a certain time, specify the reason for the entrance, and be sure that it is a legal reason for the landlord to enter the rental, and be sure to give an appropriate amount of advance notice.

2) Then, show up and enter, carry out your business and leave, no matter if they are present or not. They had advance notice to be present if they wished, else to secure their property. You are not obligated to do more. 

3) If they insist that they do not want you to enter, you can summon the police, making the complaint disturbance of the peace (disturbing your right to enter). The police response will depend on your local PD and their workload.

As stated, this situation is not an uncommon one. 

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